The Gartner IT Glossary describes digitalisation as ‘the use of digital technologies to change a…

Disaster Recovery plans (DRP’s) can be the be-all and end-all of a business. Have a…

Choosing your IT support can be a challenging process. Trying to pick a group of…

The importance of cybersecurity can never be properly justified. When it comes to protecting your…

Technology is ever-changing – as is the industry your business operates in. To stay-up-to-date and…

Microsoft Azure is an ever-expanding set of cloud services to help your organisation meet your…

Business continuity planning (BCP) is the process of creating systems of prevention and recovery to…

Exactly a year ago we announced that we had two new apprentices who had recently…

Whether you’re moving to a bigger office across town or simply relocating to another part…

Backing up your data is critical for any business. Would your business be able to…

A recent study shows that businesses that run older versions of operating systems and web…

Securing your employees within a business and keeping them safe is important, but you can…

BYOD stands for brings your own device. This is the practice of allowing the employees…

Microsoft Teams is provided as a part of Microsoft Office 365 services. The idea is…

Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details…

What is Making Tax Digital? Making Tax Digital for Business is a key part of…

Here at Matrix IT, we are dedicated to helping you think through the process of…

Summer is just around the corner and to make sure you get the most out…

Choosing to outsource IT support can be beneficial to any sized business, as long as…

Working remotely is easier than ever before. The Cloud is now part of our everyday…

IPhones are currently the safest smartphone on the planet and Apple are notoriously known to…

Cryptojacking is the use of your computer by a cybercriminal to mine cryptocurrency without you…

Macs are notoriously known for being virus-free and are immune from hackers. It is one…

Backing up your company data is more important than ever before. With the new GDPR…

There are always new and evolving threats of cybersecurity in the IT world. Recently, the…

We’re Forever Hearing In The News About Fake Email Scams That Have Been Sent Looking…

Are You GDPR Ready? The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Is Fast Approaching And Comes…

Businesses are no longer sitting on their hands when deciding to move applications and data…

Without a doubt moving office can be a very stressful ordeal. People, boxes and IT…

Our team is expanding! We would also like to welcome Marco Dos Santos! Marco is…

Cyber crime is constantly changing within the IT sector as new ways of getting exploited…

GDPR is coming and is relative to every business, but is yours prepared? Ask yourself…

Backing-up data may seem like a time consuming process but is certainly something that business’…

Backing up your data is critical for any business. Would your business be able to…

When it comes to protecting your business and the data that you have stored, it…

BYOD stands for brings your own device. This is the practice of allowing the employees…

A firewall is a piece of software or hardware that helps to screen out cyber…

Securing your employees within a business and keeping them safe is important, but you can…

Here at Matrix IT, we are dedicated to helping you think through the process of…

Phishing is the attempt to obtain sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card…